Tiger Re-Enrollment Form for 21-22 School Year
Dear Tiger Families,

We can’t believe we are already planning for next school year, but the time is here! Beginning February 12, 2021,  Tipton Academy will be conducting our RE-ENROLLMENT process for the 2021-2022 school year.  We have an online submission form for your convenience! Parents of current students wishing to return in the fall will need to complete this form for each child that currently attends Tipton Academy. You will reserve your child's space for next year by submitting the questions below.  Any new siblings that you wish to attend in the fall of 2021 will need to be listed on this form in section 3, to ensure they are provided sibling preference for open spaces.  Please complete this form even if you are not planning to return in the fall by indicating you do not wish to reserve your child’s spot. Lastly, we have included two additional survey questions to help us as we begin planning for next year.

The RE-ENROLLMENT FORM  is due by March 12th  at 3:00pm.  Missing the March 12, 2021 deadline may forfeit your child’s enrollment at Tipton Academy for the 2021-2022 school year.  We do not want that to happen! This is very important because available openings for new public enrollment will be determined based on the re-enrollment information we receive from these submissions.

We look forward to having you continue to be a part of the TIGER FAMILY!

If you have any questions, please call the main office.

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Email *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Student's Middle Name *
Current AGE of Student February 2021. *
Gender of student *
Current Grade Level of Student in February 2021. *
Grade Level Student will be going into in September 2021. *
Current Teacher *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent Guardian Phone Number *
Will your student be returning in the fall? *
If no, please tell us why.
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