Nutrition Services Fundraiser
Hot Rolls and Cinnamon Rolls for Thanksgiving

Pick-up can be 1-3 PM Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 at the Lincoln High School parking lot between the High School and the Field House. Please contact Valerie Dawson 479-643-3598 for more information. Will need orders by 11-21-21.
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Please select below the quantities you wish to purchase from each item. If you do not want an item you can leave it blank or select 0.
Hot Rolls - $10 per dozen
Cinnamon Rolls with powdered sugar icing - $15 per dozen
Cinnamon Rolls with cream cheese icing - $20 per dozen
Hot Roll - $10 each
Cinnamon Rolls with icing
Cinnamon Roll with Cream Cheese Icing - $20 each
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