Steamboat Island DnD
Lets get some info about you to see if you are a good fit for the table.
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What is your name, your gender and your DnD experience?
Your age range.
Etiquette statement.

As a DM I highly dislike it when players try to "get one over" or "game" the DM. I'm all for creativity and usage of things that make sense in the world and game, I thrive on it. But certain aspects of that can become toxic. Power Gaming, Meta Gaming, Aggressive "Rules Lawyering" (there are acceptable ways to do this, more so Rules Advocating) not "opting into" the setting and story and making a joke of everything would be things that would highly deteriorate the fun at the table I'm trying to foster. If you are a player who likes that kind of thing or finds yourself doing such things this would not be the game for you.
The date is not set in stone, player availability will see to that. But Saturday nights (likely 5 or 6pm till 9:30 on average with the option to go longer should the players wish) would be a safe bet. I'm hoping to make it a weekly game, Are you available on that day each week?
The campaign will hopefully last over a year of real time, longer even if things go very well, I enjoy long form storytelling and development so I'm in no rush, assuming you are enjoying the game is this something you'd like to (and could) make a regular part of your week?
Tell me about yourself, a nice elevator pitch, unrelated to DnD (that will come next)
Tell me what type of player you are and how you like to contribute to the tables fun. Include a past experience if you like. Going into some detail about your DnD or Tabletop experience.

And if this would be your first game feel free to tell me what gets you excited about the prospect of roleplaying games and what you hope to love about it.
What are you hoping for in a DM?
The stories to be told will be tied often with the character you and the rest of the players make. As well as the player to player character interactions. This would mean pretty heavy involvement from the players as well as myself. I'm not particularly looking for the type of player who seems to just show up for the sessions and doesn't provide input in between sessions, since i'm growing the campaign centered around the players. Are you the type of player who likes this type of thing? Having your characters backstories coming into play to potentially shock or entice you to further opt into the story? Or are you the type of player who likes to "play it forward" more, meaning you have a somewhat blank backstory set up, but you like to add things in as you play session to session? There's no wrong answer here, sometimes having a play it forward character that you build up lore for on the way is a fun addition (though you'd likely need to be pretty invested in the lore so as to not accidentally step on lore based "no go" areas, so likely alot of questions to ask me in between sessions). Though every player doing that would be a no go for me.
I'd like players who get excited in between sessions for what might come next, and who I can see talk about it, usually shown by activity within the discord channel to discuss character thoughts and interactions. (Be it in a 1on1 channel to me the DM so I can know your characters thought processes or why you did something, if it's something you'd like to keep secret for now, of which I'd use that info to help make the sessions more fun for you, or be it in a "Campfire Chats" like channel where you the players can interact in character if needed for minor things between sessions. I like reading those interactions to get a feel for the players and characters even more, as well as it showing me players investment in the game on days that are not session days.) Is that something you'd be interested in? If not please tell me why. Don't feel shy about it if it's negative I'd love to know.
I enjoy cooking, and eating, and likely will do at least the second one during the session at some point. Of which everyone is free to do.
Do you have any food allergies I would need to be aware of at the table? (This will be brought up in the discord as well just so nobody slips up and we gotta hit you with an Epi-Pen Pulp Fiction style.)
I have a dog, she's good people and likely will be wandering around during the session. If you're okay with that, don't have allergies, or can manage the allergies, and don't have a fear of dogs then fantastic. But let me know if there is anything related to that I should know.
Are there any cultural concerns or considerations that need to be brought up before playing together? *
Is there anything you would like to ask me that I might not have considered or asked here?
Finally, what is your Discord name? (Keep an eye on your Discord friend requests since this is the only way I can contact you.)
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