Pool Member/management meeting                         --March 25 @ 10 AM
This meeting is a professional way to hear member voices and learn what the management company & HOA is doing to ease your concerns and fix any issues within our control. We have made many improvement already and will complete many others before pool season 2023. We will discuss what we have done before we get into additional member concerns and suggestions.  Please remember to be courteous and respectful during the entire meeting.
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Email *
Where you a pool member 2022? *
Are you a 2023 pool member yet? (Join today on our Website.) *
Will you be able to attend the Member/Management meeting on March 25th at 10AM? *
Have you signed up for the Remind app? *
What are your biggest concerns for pool season 2023? Please be short and to the point. *
Do you have a concern and suggestion that you would like to bring forward? *
Would you like time to speak? Sign up to speak below with your topic and information *
Please add me to the agenda to speak. Please add your name, phone number (incase we need to contact you) and topic. Your name will be added to the agenda. 3 minutes each. (If your topic has been discussed to an acceptable level, please defer when it is your time to speak in order to have enough time for everyone.)
By typing your name below you confirm you are the one filling this form out and you have the right to make all of these statements in your name. (Do NOT fill out for someone else.) *
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