Ability Proposal Form
For proposing special abilities or features related to a character's race or skill-related Capstones.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Player Name *
Player Email *
Character Name *
What is the nature of the proposal? *
First Choice Proposal *
Consider the type of creature, plant, or fungi your character is based upon and what they may be known for when requesting a race-related ability. Consider aspects and features related to the skill you're requesting a Capstone for, and note that a Capstone may be requested after reaching 10 ranks in a non-combat oriented skill such as Scholar of (X).
Second Choice Proposal
Initial proposals may not be approved following review by the Rules Development Team, and a counter-proposal may be offered to you following such a ruling, which you may consider, offer a counter-proposal of your own, or accept. However, you are welcome to provide a secondary choice for the team to consider if you so choose.
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