Your Personalized NailRx
     Haven't had the chance to try Color Street dry nail polish strips yet? Just enter your address below and I'll mail you a sample for you to try so you can see how easy they are to apply.  No strings attached!
     Seriously, this product ranks right up there with dry shampoo,  mobile Starbucks (TM) ordering, and online grocery delivery. And if you aren't doing those yet either; bless your heart we need to talk!!  Be prepared for your next favorite life hack.....  
     Thank you again for your time and I look forward to seeing  how much you love the polish strips and what your favorite style is!


      Shannon Regan
      The Nail Dr ;)
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Got kiddos at home? Just let me know how many and I'll throw some in for them as well. I love anything that can encourage some Mommy Daughter quality time :)
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Pedicure Strips are now available too! For your toes or if you have wider nailbeds!
See How Easy they are to apply! Check out this quick video from FrancyPants. Warning, there is background music, so if you are in the middle of an important board meeting or class, be sure you have your volume turned off :)
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