Work with Misty Jayne Application Form 
Hey! So glad you reached out!

Go ahead and answer each question as detailed as you can and I will reach out to talk about our next steps. 

Not sure how to answer a question... no worries! Just let me know in the answer box and we can revisit it when we chat! 

Thank you, 
Misty Jayne 
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Email *
First and Last Name? *
Instagram Handle   *
What type of business do you have? (Hairstylist, Esthetician, MUA, etc?  *
What best describes your current beauty business? *
Are you currently booked out more than 80% of the time in your business? *
What are your current goals? (financial, lifestyle, business, ANYTHING) *
What is currently stopping you from reaching those goals? (be as detailed as possible here) *
If you could wave a magic wand and get the results you are looking for... what would your life look like? *
Have you tried to get your "financial shit together" before? If yes, what have you tried? *
How does money make you FEEL? *
What is your estimated yearly income? *
If you have debt, what is the estimated total? *
If you could get your financial shit together with out completely restricting your lifestyle AND work towards achieving your goals, would you be interested? *
What are you hoping to get out of working with me? *
Which option are you interested in? *
On a scale of 1-5 how ready are you to start taking massive action towards the results you are looking for? *
No the most important
I'm F*%#in' READY!
If this application is approved, are you committed to having a conversation about our next step and what offer would be right for you? *
I verify that this information is true to the best of my knowledge: *
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