Fall 2021 Keiki Camp
Drop off begins at 8:00 AM and pick up is at noon.

Please have your child eat a healthy breakfast and apply their sunscreen before sending them to camp.
Children should wear comfortable shoes and clothing as we will be running, jumping and dancing.
Our day will be filled with Bible Stories, Crafts, Music and Games. A healthy prepackaged snack will be served. Please send your child with a refillable water bottle each day and bring a labeled bag with an extra set of clothes in the event your child needs to change clothes.

We have a fun week of faith based activities planned!

The cost is $20 total for the first child and $10 for each additional child from the same Ohana. Checks should be made out to Aiea United Methodist Church. Please speak with the Director of Religious Education privately if this amount would cause a hardship for your family.
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Adreça electrònica *
Parents Name (Bring your ID for pick up) *
Address *
Phone Number (Home/Work/Cell) *
Preferred Contact Method *
MEDIA RELEASE:   I give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed and/or videotaped during church activities.  My child’s image may appear in print or online promoting church activities.  I understand that my child(ren)’s name will not be used to identify my child.  This permission form will be kept on file in the church office.  If I would like to withdraw my permission, I may do so at anytime by submitting a written request to the church office. *
Print your name below to give permission for Media Release. Or respond with "I do not give permission for my children to be photographed or videotaped. " *
Emergency Contact 1 (Name, Number and Relationship) *
Emergency Contact 2 (Name, Number and Relationship) *
Child 1 (Name, DOB, Grade and Allergies or Medical information) *
Child 2 (Name, DOB, Grade and Allergies or Medical information)
Child 3 (Name, DOB, Grade and Allergies or Medical information)
Child 4 (Name, DOB, Grade and Allergies or Medical information)
Do you have anything you would like our staff to know about your child?
Please List any other adults that have your permission to pick up your children. Please note they must bring a valid ID to pick up. *
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