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ESN Tartu membership form
Interested in joining ESN Tartu?
Nothing is easier!
Just fill out this form, and our HR manager will contact you soon!
Your answer will be available only for ESN Tartu Board members and used only for the organization's activities.
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* Indicates required question
Why do you want to join ESN Tartu? Any expectations?
Your answer
Here please name everything you like to do and would like to share about yourself, like photography, dancing, sports etc
Your answer
Are you studying, working or volunteering in Tartu?
Studying at the University of Tartu
Studying at the Estonian University of Life Sciences
Studying at the Aviation Academy
Studying at the Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Studying at the Tartu Health Care College
Doing exchange in Tartu
Volunteering in European Solidarity Corps
Field of Study
Your answer
Which languages do you speak?
Your answer
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
And one more thing - your full name please!
Your answer
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