Instrumental Tuition - Expression of Interest
Students can learn a variety of musical instruments, (subject to availability of spaces) such as:

Strings (Violin/Cello), Brass (Trumpet, Trombone, etc), Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet), Piano, Drums, Guitar and Voice.

These lessons take place during normal lesson time throughout the school day. Your child will be expected to ensure that he/she is able to catch up with any work that has been missed while they are attending their instrumental lessons. All levels of ability will be catered for, from complete beginner to advanced level and students will be grouped accordingly. 

The charges for instrumental tuition at Harrow Way School are as follows:
£80.00 per term for each instrument.

Payment can be made as a single payment and is usually made in the summer.  However, if you would prefer to spread the payment then termly payment can be arranged.

If you would like your child to take up this opportunity, please would you complete this form.  Lessons will be allocated on a first come first served basis initially and a waiting list created so that when spaces become available they can be filled quickly. There is also an expectation that students will attend an extra-curricular music activity in order to improve their technique and general musicianship.

Payment details will be sent out once your child has been allocated a space on their chosen instrument.

Please read the full terms and conditions here.

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