Youth Piano Program Interest Form
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New Student Inquiry
The CU Youth Piano Program trains students through weekly group and private lessons. Instructors are experienced teachers from the College of Music, and the program is supervised by the CU Piano Pedagogy Chair, Dr. Alejandro Cremaschi. The lessons provide thorough instruction at the highest and most effective pedagogical standards while providing opportunities for fun, motivation and enjoyment of music.

Lessons are offered during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. We ​have ​a ​rolling ​admissions ​process, ​pending  ​instructor ​availability. ​Students ​register for 14 weekly ​lessons ​during ​the ​fall ​and spring semesters. If a student enrolls mid-semester, the total number of lessons is adjusted. During the summer semester, we offer flexible lesson scheduling, and a choice of 7 or 14 lessons.

For more information, visit the website here:
Parent / Guardian Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Student name *
Student Age *
Student Experience *
Do you have access to a piano at home? *
If you answered 'No' in the previous question, are you able to make arrangements to purchase or locate a piano for practicing? *
Is your student the dependent of a CU Boulder Faculty/Staff Member? *
When is your student available for a short initial meeting with the instructor? Please be specific.
Is your student part of any "I Have a Dream" Foundation class in Boulder county? If so, please indicate which one, and include the name of the class supervisor.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?
With any further questions, please email the Youth Piano Program Coordinator. Please allow 3-5 business days for a confirmation of your new student inquiry.
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