#PISCOWeekCA Establishment (Bar/Restaurant) Registration Form
PICO Week is coming to Canada AGAIN from August 23-29, 2021, but this time, we're changing things up. We've partnered with WanderEater Magazine, to help motivate consumers, and inspire restaurants across Canada, both Latin American and others, to incorporate Peruvian inspired or fusion dishes to their menu, and PISCO cocktails to their bar menus.

TOGETHER we can raise awareness of the quality of ingredients, cuisine, and incredible culture, that PERU has to offer. Making Peruvian gastronomy, as well as drinks and even imports, are more top of mind across Canada.

If you're a Bartender looking for our annual cocktail contest, check out our contest registration here.

But this year, establishments will NOT be competing against one another. We want to grow and support the community and demand, TOGETHER.

By participating, your restaurant, cocktails and menu offerings will be listed on the PISCO Week campaign website, in promotions, advertising, social media content @PISCOPeruPlease, and more.

Can't seem to source ingredients, or find PISCO at your local liquor store? No problem, our team will connect you with the local distributors directly. As well as arrange distributors to drop by for samplings of the various PISCO brands available in your province, and empower you with all the promotional items you need to help make PISCO Week a success for you.

Have any questions? Contact the PISCO Week Canada team at pisco@havestamina.com.
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