Public Relations & Communications Social Impact Supplier Directory
The Public Relations & Communications Association Council is creating a social impact supplier directory. The directory will provide social enterprises, charities and community businesses who could offer services and products to PR and communications agencies and in-house teams an easy way to market their offer.

Once this form has been completed, a member of the PRCA Council will contact you to briefly assess your credentials before the Directory is finalised by the end of 2020. The personal information you provide will be held by Campaign Collective, a social enterprise (ICO registration ZA252551), and shared with PRCA Members for the purposes of marketing your organisation.

Please only share information you are happy to be made public in this way.
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What is your organisation's name? *
What is your organisation's Twitter handle?
What is your organisation's social impact status?
What is your organisation's website? *
What services do you provide? *
If you offer venue services what are the postcodes of your venue(s)?
If you offer other services, are there any geographical restrictions on where you can deliver to?
Who is the best person to speak to about new business? (Name) *
What is this person's email address? (Please note, this will be shared to members of the PRCA, so please feel free to add a generic email instead). *
What is the best phone number to call with a new business enquiry? *
What describes the social impact your organisation has? *
Does your organisation have a majority of board members, directors OR senior managers who identify as being part of the following groups?
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