Generally American Podcast Listener Poll

welcome to a mini-episode! Kris is not here today.  So, it is just me, the other Chris. 
I'll be speaking for both of us for the duration of this small episode.  
We have two important announcements to make.

Firstly,  Kris and I really enjoy coming together and talking about the United States culture and American English together. We are so very grateful to have such a wonderful audience. From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank you all for all your support and for listening to our podcast over the years! 

We are glad to see that our podcast is growing, slowly but surely. We have always been interested in what our audience thinks of us and our content. In order to better engage with you, our audience,  we have launched a poll. All of the questions are completely voluntary and anonymous. Filling out the whole form should take no longer than 5 minutes of your time. However, even if you can only fill out one question, we would still be very grateful. Please also feel free to leave us feedback on your favorite podcast platform. 

With your feedback,  we can not only improve the quality of our content, but you also give us the opportunity to know our audience better. All of the information collected through this survey is strictly for improving the podcast and will not be sold to third-parties or be used to identify you by us in anyway shape or form.  

Secondly, while Kris and I do do this podcast out of true passion for the subject matter, running and operating the podcast does incur real costs that he and I have to cover. We have always placed great emphasis on not hiding our content behind a paywall and have done our best to not be dependent on ads. Therefore, the podcast will always be free to those who wish to listen to it. 

If you are in a position to do so and feel comfortable with supporting our podcast with a small financial contribution, then we would kindly ask of you to subscribe to our newly created Patreon account. At the moment, there is only one tier the price of which is as low as possible on Patreon.  If this amount is too high for you, then please feel free to contribute whatever you feel is appropriate. Any amount you provide us with will go directly into creating better content and improving the over all listener experience. You have our word.

The links to our Patreon account and the poll can be found in the episode description.

Again, thank you very much for your listening to our podcast and supporting us in anyway possible. 

Take care and 

Your Podcast Team, 
Christopher Chandler and Kris Schauer 


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Feedback: If you do not have time to fill out the survey, one or two sentences as feedback would also be very much appreciated.
Podcast (topics): What are some topics that you would like to hear on the podcast?
Age (in Years): In what age range do you fall?
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Origin (Country): Where are you from? 
Podcast discovery: How did you find the podcast? 
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Listening behavior (Podcast): what is your podcast listening behavior? 
Listening behavior (Episode): what is your episode listening behavior?
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Episode (difficulty): How difficult are the podcast episodes in terms of speed, vocabulary, and topic?
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Content (Quality): How satisfied are you with the episode content? *
Sound (Quality): How satisfied are you with the episode sound quality?
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Community (Forum): In your opinion, on which platform(s) would you also like to be able to consume our content?
Community (Live shows): Would you be interested in listening to the podcast live? 
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Contribution (Support): Would you be willing to financially support to the podcast?
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Episodes (Quantity): How many episodes should we produce a month?
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Recommendation: Would you recommend the podcast to friends or family? 
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