Rezervácia narodeninovej oslavy
Birthday party reservation
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Email *
Meno a priezvisko oslávenca *
Full name of birthday boy/girl
Vek oslávenca v deň oslavy *
Age of  birthday boy/girl
Vaše telefónne číslo *
Your telephone number
Želaný termín oslavy *
Date and time of birthday party
Na koľko hodín si želáte vytvoriť rezerváciu? *
For how many hours will I make an reservation for you?
Predbežný počet osôb *
Number of participants
Aký typ oslavy si želáte? *
Choose from Gymnastics party, Parkour party or It doesn't matter
Ďalšie dôležité info
Sem vpíšte, ak je ešte niečo, o čom ste nás radi informovali.
Write here if It's something you want to inform us about. (for example: "Party only in english language")
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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