EA NYC Academia Subgroup Interest Form
The professional Academia Subgroup is a space for those already familiar with effective altruism and working professionally within academia in any field. It is currently open to PhD and post-doctoral students, researchers, and faculty.
Based on interest, the professor subgroup will likely meet either monthly or bimonthly. Initially, the group will serve as a casual place to meet others members of the effective altruism community with shared professional involvement. Based on participant interest, it can remain a casual meetup or become more structured over time.
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Name *
Email *
In 1-2 sentences, what's your background in academia and collegiate education? *
What's your background in Effective Altruism in 1-2 sentences? *
What do you hope to get out of an EA academia subgroup? *
Are there particular skills or resources you would like to contribute to the subgroup? This is not necessary for participation. (E.g. presenting on a topic, hosting at your apartment, arranging subgroup events, providing career advice to other attendees)
What is your preference for online/physical events?
I prefer to exclusively attend in-person events
I prefer to exclusively attend online events
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Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
Thanks for filling this out!
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