Project Proposal Writing Training Registration Form

Join us for a dynamic training program aimed at cultivating a project-savvy mindset and equipping you with essential skills to elevate your project design and management prowess.

By the end of this immersive training, CSO participants will:

Gain a solid grasp of fundamental project design and management concepts.

Discover the vital significance of effective methods, tools, and systems in project design and management.

Learn how to expertly outline and execute various project design stages.

The Civic Space is a Technical Assistance Project funded by the European Union (EU). It aims at contributing to build in the Turkish Cypriot community (TCc), a stronger civil society, which supports democratic changes and confidence-building measures. 

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Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name and Surname of Participant 1 *
Name and Surname of Participant 2 *
E-mail Address of Participant 1 *
E-mail Address of Participant 2 *
Phone Number of Participant 1 *
Phone Number of Participant 2 *
Name of Your Organisation (Please Do Not Use Acronyms) *
CSO Field of Work (You can choose multiple) *
Location *
Participant 1 Age *
Participant 2 Age *
Participant 1 Gender *
Participant 2 Gender *
Does any of the participants have any experience in project proposal writing? *
Does your organisation have any experience in EU project managment? If so, can you please briefly tell us about it? *
What would you like to learn from  Project Proposal Writing Training? *
I confirm that my participation was decided by the decision-body of my organization
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