The Most Important Vocabulary Learning Activities (By PAUL NATION)
日期: 108年7月24日
時間: 03:00 pm~04:30 pm (活動開始30分鐘前報到)
地點: 國立臺南高級商業職業學校綜合大樓4樓語言學習多功能教室
報名截止時間:  108年7月23日
聯絡窗口:  Matthew  ( 手機: 0970878716 / Email:


This talk describes the most important activities and principles for vocabulary learning. These activities cover all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and cover the four strands of a course. The aim of the talk is to make teachers familiar with these very useful activities and to help them understand why these activities are important because of the principles they put into practice.

Speaker: Paul Nation

Paul Nation is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His books on vocabulary include Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (1990) and Researching and Analysing Vocabulary (2011) (with Stuart Webb) both from Heinle Cengage Learning., His latest books on vocabulary are Learning Vocabulary in Another Language (second edition 2013) published by Cambridge University Press, Making and Using Word Lists (2016) from John Benjamins, and How Vocabulary is Learned (2017) (with Stuart Webb).. Two books strongly directed towards teachers appeared in 2013 from Compass Media in Seoul –What should every ESL Teacher Know? (available free from and What should every EFL Teacher Know? He is also co-author of Nation, P. and Malarcher, C. (2017) Timed Reading for Fluency. Books 1-4. Seoul: Seed Publishing.
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