Spokane R-VII Federal Programs Survey 2023
Federal law requires school districts to consult with parents on the design and implementation of Title I programs. The school district will soon begin making plans for Title I programs for the next school year, and we are asking for your help by completing this form. Thank you for your assistance and interest in your child's education.
Email *
Is your child served in a Title I Reading small group (or individual intervention)? *
Spokane R-VII School District Parent Involvement Policy for Federal Programs
Do you have questions about the Spokane R-VII parent involvement policy?
If yes, please list in comments section. Parent involvement policy is located in your child's handbook or on the district website.  It is also shown above. 
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Please indicate the effectiveness of our Parent and Family Engagement Policy:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I know about special programs available at school or the district to help my child.
I know what my child will learn this year at school.
I know the community resources to help my child.
I know who to talk with regarding my concerns or questions about my child’s education.
I feel confident in my ability to support my child’s learning at home.
I feel confident in my ability to make sure my child’s school meets my child’s learning needs.
I am greeted warmly when I call or visit the school.
Teachers work closely with me to meet my child’s needs.
The school encourages feedback from parents and the community
My child’s teachers know my child well.
My home culture and home language are valued by the school.
I am given the opportunity to be involved in making the important decisions in my child’s school.
I am given opportunities to influence what happens at the school.
I am invited to meetings so that I can learn about what is going on in the school (e.g., issues or policies).
There are many different ways I can be involved with the school, either at the school itself, at home or in the community.
I believe my child is challenged by the school academic curriculum.
My child receives the academic support needed to meet his/her individual needs.
My involvement in my child’s education is valued at my school.
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Do you have any suggestions for improvement of the parental involvement policy?
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Student-Parent-School Compact
Do you have questions about the student-parent-school compact?
If yes, please list in comments section. Parent involvement policy is located in your child's handbook or on the district website.  It is also shown above. 
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Do you understand the responsibilities requested in the student-parent-school compact?
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Do you feel you are kept informed about parental involvement activities offered at the school?
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Parental Involvement Activities
Enjoyed It - Please Continue
Did Not Enjoy - Please Discountinue
No Opinion or Did Not Attend
Back to School / Open House
Book Fair(s)
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Fall Harvest Literacy Night
Spring Carnival Themed Literacy Night
Early Childhood / Parents as Teachers Events
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Parent Communication
How do you like to receive information from your child's school?  Please click all that you like. 
What educational topics would you be interested in learning more about?
Title I Support & Instruction
No Opinion / Does not Apply
Have you seen improvement academically in your child?
Does your child enjoy reading at home?
Do you feel your child has benefited from Title I support & instruction?
Have you noticed improvement in your child's academic attitude and interest in learning?
Do you feel the program has helped your child experience academic success?
Were you informed of your child's progress?
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General comments/suggestions.
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