Earth Fest 2023 Volunteers

The Green Team has confirmed this year's Earth Fest will be held on Saturday, April 22nd from 11am-3pm at El Rincon Elementary School. You can sign up to volunteer here. [Volunteer clearance is not required for this activity.] For more information about the day's activities, visit:

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Name *
CCUSD Affiliation
Phone Number
Emergency Contact (Name & Number)
Are you 18+?
Did you volunteer at Earth Fest 2022?
If yes, in what capacity?
Are you available to volunteer the day before the event, Friday, April 21st 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. to help set-up? *
Please select the time slot(s) you are available to volunteer on Saturday, April 22nd [If your availability allows, SHIFT 2 especially needs more volunteers!] *
If there is anything we should consider when assigning your volunteer duties, please share here (i.e. mobility limitations, scheduling, expertise, experience, etc.)
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