Spiritual Mentorship Morgan Thomas, LPC (she/her)
I'm looking forward to learning more about how I can best support you. 
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メールアドレス *
Name and pronouns: 
What areas of life are you needing support/guidance? *
A few words to describe you:
Have you worked with a spiritual mentor before?
How do you want to feel in 6 months? 
How do you feel currently?  *
How often do you anticipate needing guidance calls? *
What days/times work best for one hour sessions? (I'm currently in Eastern timezone) *
What days/times work best over the next week for a free 15 minute consult to see if we'd be a good fit:  *
Anything else you feel comfortable sharing with me?
I currently offer sliding scale for people who identify as low-income. Please let me know if you are needing that support. *
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