#XPERIENCEUFO Travel Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in traveling with us. Please complete the following form so that we can better meet your travel needs.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Do you have a current passport (check your passport to ensure that it will not expire within 3 months of your trip)? *
We love to celebrate! What's the primary occasion? *
What's the vibe? Please select all that apply *
Would you like to provide any more insight? (Optional)
What destination(s) would you like to explore? *
What airport(s) would you like to depart from? *
What are your ideal travel dates? *
How many people will be traveling?
Are there any special considerations?
What is your current PER PERSON budget?
How did you hear about United Family Organization?
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Please provide 3 dates and times of availability for a 30-minute initial call.
We will be in touch within 48 hours to schedule an initial 30-minute call. If you decide to move forward, there is a $60 Travel Xperience Curation (TXC) Fee. This includes 3 individualized itineraries with pricing. If you choose one of the itineraries, the TXC Fee is applied toward your Booking Fee (total cost of the trip). If you decide not to book with us, enjoy your itineraries and tag us (#XperienceUFO @unitedfamilyorganization) if you found our services helpful!
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