TEDxRAPodarCollege 2024 | Audience Registration Form
We're bursting with excitement to share the news – TEDxRAPodarCollege is back with its 5th edition❤️🖤

Picture this: a dynamic space where innovative ideas collide, where bold stories take center stage, and where inspiration knows no bounds. That's what TEDxRAPodarCollege is all about!

We're on a mission to spark curiosity, ignite passion, and spread ideas that have the power to change the world. And guess what? We want YOU to be a part of it!

Join us in celebrating creativity, curiosity, and courage at TEDxRAPodarCollege 2024. Register now to be motivaTED✨

Date of the event: Saturday, 10th February, 2024.

Time: 11:30am.

Visit our website: www.tedxrapodarcollege.com

For any queries, reach out to us at-                                                                             

Srushti Mandavkar: 9307714430                                                                     

Email: tedxrapodarcollege@gmail.com                      

Instagram: https://instagram.com/tedxrapodarcollege?igshid=n2x11awzs8y6

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Full Name *
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Whatsapp Mobile Number *
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Age (in years) *
Designation *
City *
Gender *
What's your favorite feel-good song that never fails to lift your spirits on a tough day? *
If you could travel to any place in the world right now, where would you go and why?
If you were to create a TED talk, what would it be about?
What is the one dish that you can eat everyday without getting bored of?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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