Girl Innovation Ambassador
Being a Girl Innovation Ambassador is about engaging and enthusing young people with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. You will help encourage students to consider STEM subjects' further study and progression into related careers, inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals. Girl Innovation Ambassador Application is now open. The application is rolling, and we will be allowing Ambassadors to join our organization. Good luck!

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Name *
Grade in School or College *
Email *
Phone Number *
School or College *
Home Address, City, State *
How did you hear about Girl Innovation Program? If referred, please tell us who referred you. *
Personal Bio (for our website - max: 500 characters) *
Why do you want to be a Girl Innovation Ambassador? (max: 1000 characters) *
Can you commit to being a Girl Innovation Student Ambassador from September to May attending monthly Ambassador meetings, and holding two STEM workshops for girls during the next year? *
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