JOURNYS Article Submission Form 13.1
Our Editing Process *PLEASE READ*
Thanks for deciding to apply to JOURNYS! Before you get started, please note that in order to be eligible for publication we require you to participate in an ACTIVE editing process, which means that over a period of weeks after we accumulate submissions and start our editing cycle, we will require you to actively respond and provide corrections to your article according to reasonable deadlines. We take editing very seriously; editors and Scientist Review Board members alike put a lot of hard work into this process. We will not tolerate it if you cannot communicate to us in a timely manner, and your article may be dropped from the issue altogether.

All that said, please continue on your application if you are willing to take part in this process! It's not as difficult as it seems, but we need you revise your work accordingly and we expect somewhat the level of commitment that a higher-level journal would require. Please take publication seriously because that's how collegiate-level science works! We're pleased to work with you on this and are excited to read all about your research!
Name, first and last please. *
What city are you based in? *
Please put the city, state if applicable, and country. Location does not affect submission selection, it's merely a fun metric we like to ask for.
Are you a high school student? JOURNYS is only open for high school student writers at this time. *
Did you review our guidelines? *
Articles over word count will be rejected or deferred. Please adhere to citation and formatting as detailed on our website. If you do this ahead of time the editing process will be much easier for everyone :) As JOURNYS does not select articles on a first-come-first-serve basis, please note that if you follow the guidelines and format your article just like the example in the linked instructions above, it will greatly increase your chances of being selected for publication.
Title: *
Key words, provide up to 3: *
Approximate Article Word Count (not including citations) *
Please refer to the guidelines for article type word count limits. We will DEFER articles if it is over the word count
Description of Article Content: *
3-5 sentences
Main Sources: *
Article Type: *
Relevant Subject: *
Link to completed/close to completed paper *
Please make this a google document and modify the sharing settings so that anyone can EDIT with the link. In addition, please name the article with the same title you wish to submit the article under, the same title you put for the "title" question.
Link to completed/close to completed figures *
Please submit a link to a Google Drive folder with all of your figures labelled Fig1, Fig2, Fig3 etc. in the order which they appear in your manuscript (they should also be embedded in your manuscript so we know where they go, but we require that you provide reasonable quality png or tiff external figures for the layout team) Make sure the settings for the link say "Anyone with the link can view."
Article clause *
Please indicate below to acknowledge that you cede your article to our review process. In the event that you do not reply to your emails and we do not have articles on a waitlist to take your place, we may decide to go forward with our edits and continue to publish your article with our modifications. This clause is here due to the history of unprofessionalism that we've experienced with high school authors have caused setbacks in our editing process.
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