VPG Roster Application
Hi there! This is the official application for VPG Studio. While we're currently not looking to add more talent to our roster at this time, we are always looking for new talent to work with. By filling this out, you will be added to our waitlist and we will view the application when the time comes to do so.

Things we are looking for:

  • Treated space - Please avoid background noise/reverb. 
  • Fast turnaround time - You have to be able to hit deadlines when given. We understand issues come up sometimes, but sometimes we have very tight schedules so this is important.
  • Demos are required. Having a sampler is ok if you do not have a demo yet.
 -Preferred demos - Character, Video Games, Intereactive, etc
- Undesired demos - Commercial, Narration, E-Learning, etc

  • We work with indie devs/creators so budgets are usually limited and have no budget. We at least try to work out a deal of $1/line when possible. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email (To contact for auditions) *
Discord  *
Full Name *
Stage Name  *
Race/Ethnicity *
Gender Identity/Pronouns/Sexuality (For Authentic Casting) *
Link to Website and IMDB (Write N/A if you don't have one) *
Link to Demo(s)/Sampler *
Link to Resume *
Link to Raw Studio Sample - Include you speaking at normal volume, whispering, shouting, 3 claps and 10 seconds of room tone. (Do not do any post-processing) *
Decribe your recording setup including microphone, interface, booth, DAW, etc *
Rates per Word/Line - Are you negotiable? (Note: We work with indie devs/creators so budgets are limited or sometimes not there. If that's ok with you then state below) *
Age range/Vocal types you are comfortable performing. *
Languages/Accents you are able to perform  *
Are you ok with NSFW? If so, what specific topics are you NOT comfortable doing? (We don't do Hentai) *
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