Glen Allan Neighbourhood Survey 2024
Without knowing our neighbors, we miss out on all sorts of ways in which they could enrich our lives -- from borrowing a cup of sugar to benefitting from their special skills -- according to journalist Peter Lovenheim neighbourhoods matter.

Glen Allan matters to the volunteers who form the Gilmore Park Community League (GPCL). Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and help shape the health, safety and connectivity of our Sherwood Park neighbourhood!
GPCL is planning the following events, check all that you might be interested in participating in:
Would you be interested in hosting a Block Party on your block or cul-de-sac? (If yes, GPCL has resources to help!) *
Would you be interested in walking, biking, knitting or another activity with others in Glen Allan? *
Would you be interested in caroling around our neighbourhood in December? (If yes, GPCL has resources to help!) *
How do you see communications from GPCL? (check all that apply) *
What is your vision for our neighbourhood? *
What activities would you enjoy doing with neighbours?
What skills, abilities or experiences would you be willing to contribute to our neighbourhood?
Would you like your child or youth to get together with other kids and come up with projects that they can do to serve the neighbourhood?
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Other things you would like GPCL to know...
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