SHIFT Request for Proposals

I dare you. 

Create what you have never done at a conference before that you would like to try here at "Shift" on Oct 25, 26, 27 2024 in beautiful Barcelona.

It could be one twist on your normal facilitation, it could be an exercise that you know challenges people, it can be a hack that changed your life. Here we encourage "out of the box" experimentation. This is the festival for you if you want to see shifts in your world and desire to know the best practices for how habits are built and want to live to see new powerful reality born.

We co-create this event. If your session proposed is not chosen for main stage, you will be offered to present- in 1 minute- your idea infront of everyone during the Open Space section. In Open Space Technology, whoever comes is the right person, where it's located is the perfect corner and those who aren't contibuting or getting benefit can walk away to another session. Here you are free to be you. 

You are most welcome to join our Tribe.

Jessica Breitenfeld
Motivational Humorist Speaker
Director, Barcelona Change Days 2024

Change Days has created 16 events since 2009 under the leadership of Holger Nauheimer. Change Days is in Australasia and in Toronto and last year in Italy under Brigitta Villaronga´s lead. Change Days aims to inspire one another in our diversity, share our creative discoveries, and build our skills in a supportive environment, all while having fun.


¨If humanity will survive, they need to shift- and soon ¨

said by an alien observing planet earth, somewhere, sometime in the last decade.


We welcome all proposals however it is better to submit a proposal only if it is likely that you’ll be able to attend the unconference, therefore, your proposal will only be considered once you have registered for the festival here. 

ES65 1583 0001 1390 3419 0764 
bic. swift. REVOESM2

Name on account: Babatunde Serikibello Sales

Address: Revolut bank UAB
Calle Principe de Vergara 132, 28002 Madrid, Spain

If you are chosen to deliver this proposed session, you will be given a VIP ticket and your money will be returned. We have priced the event so 30 people can attend.
If you need an accepted proposal to apply for funding to attend, please contact us at before submitting.


269 euros Early Bird
Includes friday from 16h to Sunday 18h
Lunch sat and sunday, Dinner saturday. Snacks and beverages. 
Poble Nou.


If your proposal is accepted, you will be notified between August 1-7, 2024.
If selected, you will be requested to supply a brief description and bio for the program and photo
If you have any questions or concerns mid-process, feel free to e-mail our team at
Please provide your email address here so that you will receive a copy of your completed form in your mailbox.

Thank you.

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