Black Youth Safety Program - Sept. 3rd, 2020 12-6pm
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Email *
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Your Name: *
Age: *
City: *
Do you have a driver's licence? *
We have transportation for participants. Do you require transportation to attend the program?
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The bus will pick up participants at Vaughan Mills at 11:00am on September 1st.  Are you able to get to Vaughan Mills? *
How many family members will be attending with you?
We will be serving lunch to participants. Please check your preference. *
We have three workshop seminars planned for participants. Please select your choice  from the list below.
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We will be having an open discussion with all participants and presenters. Is there an issue or topic that you would like us to discuss? Please share below.
Check your email for updates and reminders.
Do you have any questions about the Program? *
Thank you for completing the Registration Form. See you on September 3rd.
Vaughan African Canadian Association & Parents of Black Children
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