Karate Sign Up: 7/6-7/31
We have listened to some concerns and have adjusted our class schedule for this month. We are hoping that this shorter class time will help keep students engaged and we can take time to focus on what we want to teach.

Like last month, this form allows you to sign up to 4 people up for classes. Sensei Britni will follow up with a payment from PayPal before codes are sent.

You will only have to fill out this form once. No need to fill it out every week!

We've added Kata classes! If you are interested in testing, we highly encourage your participation in the classes. If you are unable to come to your designated class time, please reach out to Sensei Britni.

1st Kyu Brown Belts: If you need help with a kata, this is a great time to get some help!
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Class Schedule
Cost for Classes
Student Name: *
Student Name:
Student Name:
Student Name:
Legal Guardian (if under 18): *
Please check what classes you are interested in: (you can choose more than 1!) *
Email to send confirmation and Paypal request: *
Can we send the codes to the same email? If no, please enter an email in the "other" spot: *
Would you like to pay by the week or the month? *
Do you agree to these terms? *
Captionless Image
Please initial here: *
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