Soul Rewilding - Kaua'i - Queer Men's Immersion – Application
October 21-28, 2023
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First Name *
Last Name *
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Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Instagram handle
How did you hear about the Soul Rewilding Retreat?  *
Dietary preferences: *
Food allergies:
Desired package: *
Are you planning on attending with a partner or friend that you would like to share a bed with?
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Are you ready to face your challenges, fears, traumas, and woundings that will most likely come up for you during this retreat? *
The retreat will involve daily yoga, hiking, and optional swimming on Kauai's stunning natural landforms and beaches — what is your approximate level of fitness? *

How open are you to exploring alternative modalities that are outside societal norms that support your Self development and expansion?


Have you ever consumed or worked with psychedelics or Sacred Plant Medicines before?


Have you ever worked with Psychedelics or Sacred Plant Medicines for healing/personal growth?


Have you ever worked with Hapé / Rapéh?

What is your wilderness experience? *
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