Hickory PTA Donations (Goods & Services)
Please consider donating gifts of new, material goods, gift cards, services or other contributions that can earn funds for PTA. We plan to auction or raffle off these items at our first Winter Festival on January 26, 2024. For a way to directly donate money, please visit: https://www.hickorypta.net/donations.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Employer or business name (optional)
Do you have a child or relative that is a student or staff member at Hickory? Please list their name(s). If not, leave blank.
What is the item, gift card, voucher, or service you wish to donate?  *
Describe your donation in detail, such as approximate value and how many of the item. Please submit a separate form for different types of donations. 
When can you bring this item to school? (Please give at least 2 weeks prior notice if your commitment to bring the item changes).  *
A donation receipt can be given and your item MAY be tax deductible since Hickory PTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Will you be needing a donation receipt? 
If answered yes above, please provide the full personal or company name and mailing address of the donor. Also say whether we can email you this receipt. 
THANK YOU! Hickory PTA cannot continue to put on our many great family, student, and staff programs and enrichment activities without your support! 
Please contact Sunny Joo at sunnyhickorypta@gmail.com if you have any questions. 
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