Grant Guidelines
The Foundation for Jonesboro Public Schools is now accepting grant applications for the 2024-2025 School Year. Grant applications will be submitted electronically to Marcie Cheatham at and are due no later than 5:00 pm on September 3, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. This page outlines the parameters set forth for the application. If after reading this section, you are unclear about the guidelines or need further clarification, please submit questions to Shelley Spikes at All grant applicants will be notified of awards by September 27, 2024. Once applications are submitted, please do not contact the Foundation with questions until awards are announced.
Grant Program Purpose
To fund otherwise unfunded projects happening in or out of the classroom that enhance learning for ALL students.
All Jonesboro Public School-employed educators are eligible to apply for this grant program. “Educators” for purposes of this grant program are defined herein “as any teacher, counselor, librarian, or other person who is leading for a specific period of time students, either one-on-one or more than one at a time, for purposes of learning.” The applicant DOES need to be employed by Jonesboro Public Schools to be eligible for funding.
There is no minimum or maximum amount for the request. The budget should reflect the project description based on needs and the budget narrative should describe the need for each line item, the number of each line item, and the cost for each budget line item. For example, if you are requesting 23 notebooks, please describe the purpose of the notebook as it relates to the project described, the reason for 23, and the source for the price quote (i.e. online website, etc.). The Foundation may in its discretion decide to fund partial grants, based on the amount of funding available.
Grant applications should identify learning principles and/or curriculum – traditional and non traditional – and create intended outcomes. Please be prepared to discuss outputs AND outcomes and list at least ONE intended outcome of the project. For purposes of this grant program, outputs are described herein “as a direct response of the project,” and outcomes are defined herein as “a change in behavior as a result of the project.” Be prepared to describe how outputs will be collected and documented and how outcomes will be measured and documented. Examples –
1. Outputs – Ex. 23 students will participate in the XX project.
2. Outcomes – Ex. a minimum of 15 students will have and increased knowledge of XX as a result of the project (and how will you measure this change in behavior/knowledge?) 3. Curriculum – Ex. Standard RL.1.1 – Grade 1 reading standard for literature.
Grant Agreement
In the case of a grant award, grant recipients will enter into an agreement with the Foundation for Jonesboro Public Schools. The Foundation will issue checks to each grant awardee on the same day. Funds must be spent by the end of the school year. All unused funds must be returned to the Foundation. All funds spent must be used specifically as outlined in the grant application and for no other purpose. Any discrepancy will result in a full refund of grant dollars to the Foundation.
All grant recipients will turn in a post-project report outlining the details of the project as well as all receipts from grant project-related expenditures. The report form will be attached to the grant agreement and is due no later than the end of the school year. This form is submitted to