SU1 Kontakt-obrazac / ML1 Contact Form
Nažalost, zbog velikog broja studenata na predmetu, nismo u mogućnosti odgovarati na vaše pojedinačne mailove. U dokumentu na poveznici možete pogledati česta pitanja i odgovore te pronaći informacije o organizaciji predmeta dane u uvodnoj prezentaciji, provjerite prvo prije nego što postavljate upite:

Upite možete slati samo za kategorije navedene u formi. Ako nijedna kategorija ne pokriva vaše pitanje, dođite na konzultacije petkom 14--15h u D334. Najavite se prije dolaska putem obrasca.

Unfortunately, due to the large number of students enrolled in the course, we are not able to reply to e-mails on an individual basis. Please check if your question has already been answered in a public document with all the answered questions:

You can submit questions only for the categories specified in the form. If none of the offered categories covers your question, office hours are on Fridays, 2--3 p.m., room D334. Please fill in the form if you plan to come.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Ime i prezime / Name and surname *
E-mail *
Administracija bodova / Score administration
Uvidi u ispite (greške pri skeniranju) / Access to exams (scanning errors)
Konzultacije  / Office hours
Ako ne možete doći u standardnom terminu, predložite drugi. / If you cannot come at the standard time, suggest another one.
Effacer le formulaire
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