Peer Supervision / Consultation Feedback
The MASP Member Services Committee is seeking your feedback on what would be most helpful and useful to you as a MASP member. Completion of this form will help to drive the creation of supervision and/or consultation groups that best meet your needs.
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How interested are you in participating in some type of peer supervision / consultation group?
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Do you currently participate in an active supervision / consultation group?
If such groups were available through MASP, in which type(s) of group(s) would you be most likely to participate?
If interested in topical groups, please specify up to three subjects for which you'd be most likely to participate in a group:
If such groups were facilitated by the MASP Member Services committee, which type of setup(s) would you prefer?
If such groups were to form, how formal would you want the group(s) to be?
Choose the option that best describes how often you would want such a group to meet if you were a participant?
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