Spirit Night Information Form
Please enter the information below for each Spirit Night. This will help us keep the calendar and emails up to date and accurate. Any changes to the information should be emailed to secretary@viennapta.org
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Email *
Date of Spirit Night *
Day of the Week (So I can make sure I get the date correct on the calendar) *
Business Name *
Location *
Time *
Do the attendees need to do anything special to get credit for the Spirit Night? If so, what is it?
What is the discount?
Will You need volunteers? (If you do, please fill out the volunteer sign up closer to the date)
Are there any promotional materials provided by the business? We can put them in the emails and online.
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Anything else you want added in the emails and online?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Vienna Elementary School PTA. Report Abuse