Little Improv Festival 2024 Feedback Form
Thank you so much for coming to the Little Improv Festival 2024, we hope you had an amazing time!

To help us continuing growing and improving the festival, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this year's event. If you can spare 5 minutes to fill out this form, we'd really appreciate it and who know, your ideas could be incorporated into a future festival!
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How did you find out about the Little Improv Festival?
Had you been to the Bristol Improv Theatre before the Little Improv Festival?
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Please could you tell us which Little Improv Festival Events you attended? Please tick all that apply
What did you enjoy most about Little Improv Festival?
What would you change about the Little Improv Festival?
We are thinking ahead to a future festival in 2025. What would you like to see at a future Bristol Improv Festival? 
We are thinking about recreating the daytime bar programme alongside daytime workshops for future one-day events that happen throughout the year. What would you like to see at these events?
What do you think is most important for a Bristol based improv festival (please tick all that apply):
Are there any additional comments you would like to make about the Little Improv Festival?
Would you be happy for us to use your comments as testimonial to market future events and for potential funding applications? 
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Please leave your email if you would like to be added to the Bristol Improv Theatre mailing list for updates on upcoming classes, courses & shows.
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