Drivers for 12/11 event at MCC
MCC is hosting two events on Saturday, December 11th: a job readiness workshop from 9am-1pm and a clothing and other supplies distribution from 11am-3pm. Both programs are intended for Afghan refugees. Your help is requested to make this event possible by providing transportation for the our newly-arriving brothers and sisters. Due to the dual nature of the event, there are multiple options for how you can help.

(Note: Please do not drop off donations at MCC.)
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Email *
Your name: *
Your phone number: *
Number of people you can transport, not including yourself. (Please remember to clear out your car thoroughly and take into consideration that for those who will be returning home with donations, additional space will be required.) *
Do you have one or more baby, toddler, or young child car seats available? *
Please describe the children's car seats you have.
What city do you live in? *
What is your gender? *
I am available on 12/11 to: *
Do you speak:
Are you vaccinated against Covid 19? *
Additional comments:
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