Life Coaching for Introverts (1-on-1)
To prepare for our call, please answer the following questions then request a 20-minute complementary call via this link:

By sharing this information upfront, we can focus our discussion on specific details that will reveal if our "Life Coaching for Introverts" service is a good fit for you.  If it is, we'll discuss the next steps.

Thanks in advance,
Introverts Academy Team

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What would you like to know about our "Life Coaching for Introverts" service? *
What categories of the Wheel of Life would you like help with? (see image)
Which of the categories you checked has the highest priority for you? *
What are your biggest challenges in this area? *
What would you like to achieve though Life Coaching? *
Are you interested in: *
Did you experience Life Coaching before?
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Do you consider yourself...? *
Anything else you'd like to add?
Did you request the 20-minute call via ? *
Your name (same as in the call request) *
Your email (same as in the call request) *
Your country *
Would you like to receive updates from the Introverts Academy' (free resources, webinars, courses, etc.)? *
Thank you!
Gabriela Casineanu, Founder
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