The Angels School
Thank you for your interest.  To apply for funding, we would like to gather a list of prospective parents who would be willing to try this pilot project between September 2022 and July 2023.

There is no commitment required.

The education will be at the foundation level in a wide variety of subjects, so although the lessons will be directed towards children at approximately aged 7, all ages can benefit from foundation levels in our subjects such as Quantum Physics and Financial Literacy.

This education is not only for home Educated students, it could also be used as supplementary education for those in mainstream schooling.

With Love

The Angels School
0208 111 1718
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Adult's Name
IMPORTANT- Please answer the following 4 questions for EACH of your children who would benefit from this education:  1. Age  2. Gender  3. Current education position (Home educated, mainstream school, private school, unschooling)  4. Would this be their primary source of education or a supplement? *
Do you live in London?  If so, which Borough? *
If you do not live in London, please specify where you do live.
What is the ethnicity of your child/children?
We ask the ethnicity question because there are potential avenues of funding to benefit those who are of Black and Minority Ethinicicity (BAME).
Are any of your children registered as Disabled?  If so, how many?
People who self-identify as disabled, with particular impairments, which have a long term impact on quality of life.  We ask this question because certain funders would specifically like to see inclusion and fairness.
Are any of your children LGBTQ?  If so, how many?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Non Binary.  We ask this question because certain funders would specifically like to see inclusion and fairness.
Please provide your email address so that you can be kept updated
Please repeat your email address or provide a mobile phone number
Emails often go to junk, so if you provide a mobile phone number we can send a text message to you anytime an email is sent.
                                       0208 111 1718      
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