Welcome to builtXyou Legacy
This form is designed to help you and your coach create a sustainable 12 month plan so that you can maintain your results and continue to make progress for the long term.

Please take a few minutes to complete this form and give as much detail as you can. Thank you in advance.
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Email *
Your name *
What do you value most in having/hiring a coach/trainer? Please pick 1. If other please elaborate* *
If other, please elaborate *

What was the biggest none scale/bodyweight victory you experienced during the transformation program and how was this important to you?


What is your biggest training, nutrition, physique concern now the transformation program is complete?


1 year from now, what would need to be true for you to feel like you have been successful in your training, nutrition, and physique efforts and why?


What are your top 1-3 health, fitness, and physique goals for the next 12 months?

Right now, how much do the people around you support health, fitness, and / or behavior change? *
Not at all
On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about your schedule, time use, and overall busy-ness? *
Calm and relaxed
Hectic and stressful
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Click HERE to book your 30 minute coaching call
Thanks and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
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