Moodr Early Innovator Grant Application

We seek to find those that may not otherwise be reached and help ensure the most effective treatment possible. We have built our technology platform on two core tenets: (1) proactive outreach, (2) objective data (including wearables).

(1) Moodr offers a HIPAA-compliant, user-friendly interface for clinicians, featuring a comprehensive dashboard, real-time alerts, and an AI-powered triaging algorithm. This setup significantly improves clinicians' efficiency, enabling them to reach and prioritize a larger segment of their patient population. Essential features, such as secure text messaging promote high patient engagement and effective care coordination. The platform's design ensures all patient interactions are conducted through text messages, fostering high compliance rates and building rapport to be prepared for critical times.

(2) Moodr integrates wearable technology, enabling the passive gathering of vital health data such as activity levels and sleep patterns. This approach provides healthcare providers with a comprehensive view of the patient's physical and mental health, crucial in a field typically reliant on subjective data. The objective data collected is instrumental in early detection of symptoms, enhancing the efficacy of treatment, and redefining care in mental health.

Purpose of Moodr Early Innovator Grant

  • The Moodr Early Innovator Grant aims to support initiatives that align with our mission of providing effective and proactive mental health support.
  • Encourage projects that leverage innovative approaches to reach and assist anyone who may be suffering in silence.
  • Provide selected awardees with a 1-1 match in Moodr Platform subscription fees.

Essential Elements of Moodr Early Innovator Grant

  • Criteria for Eligibility:

    • Projects should focus on mental health.

    • Emphasis on innovation, especially in reaching underrepresented or overlooked groups.

  • Key Areas of Interest:

    • Proactive outreach strategies.

    • Integration of technology for objective data collection.


  • Hospital systems and healthcare providers
  • Academic institutions

  • Non-profits focused on health and wellness

  • Others with a compelling use case for Moodr seeking 1-1 matching funds on subscription fees

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