BYP Leadership Conference 2022 Feedback Form
Thank you for your attendance at the 2022 BYP Network Leadership Conference!! We'd love for you to share your insight and feedback with us so that we can put your thoughts into action. We would appreciate if you could fill out this quick survey.
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Which parts of the Leadership Conference 2022 did you attend?
How would you rate the 2022 BYP leadership conference overall? 1-10
Very Poor
Couldn't be any better
What could have been done better?
How would you rate the content of the sessions overall? 1-10
Very Poor
Couldn't be any better
How would you rate the speakers of the day overall? 1-10
Very Poor
Couldn't be any better
What was your favourite session? *
Why was this your favourite session?
Were there any topics you'd like to see more of?
What was the best thing about the whole day?
Did you attend the Virtual Careers Fair on Day 2 of the conference? *
If you didn't attend, why not?
If you did attend the Careers fair, how would you rate it?
Very poor
Couldn't be better
Clear selection
Which companies did you engage with most at the Virtual Careers fair?
What could have been done better at the Careers fair?
How did you find out about the conference? *
Would you attend the conference again? *
Do you have any other feedback about the conference as a whole?
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