Carry, Position & Beam Raise An Extension Ladder
Skill: LD-1
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Instructions To The Monitor/Evaluator
The candidates shall be provided with a 24 foot extension ladder.
The candidates shall be provided with a wall or building on which to raise this ladder.
The candidates shall work as a team with one firefighter being assigned as the tip person and one assigned as the heel person as designated by the evaluator.
The candidates shall place the tip in the appropriate location to perform the job required.
The candidates shall be given the instructions below before beginning the exercise.
Instructions To The Candidates
The candidates, given a 24 foot extension ladder and a wall suitable for ladder work, shall demonstrate carrying, positioning, and raising the ladder, so the tip is properly located, using a BEAM raise with 100% accuracy.
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Tip Firefighter - 11 Steps *
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Heel Firefighter - 11 Steps *
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