Treatment Consulting
Please fill out this form to be contacted about services to help get you or a loved one help with recovering from an eating disorder (ED).

How I can help:
- Explain how ED treatment works, and what questions you should be asking
- Connect you with treatment providers or facilities that fit your unique needs (that I've vetted)
- Facilitate getting you into a facility/program if it is too overwhelming to do alone
- Help you navigate insurance
- Provide education for family members on how to talk to/work with your loved one struggling
- Help organize admissions process paperwork
- Provide resources for step-down care (programs, providers, books, podcasts, etc)

Please fill out the form to start the conversation. You are not committing to anything at this point this is just for me to assess if I can help. I do my best to respond within 24 hours.
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Email *
What is your best email? *
Your name (filling this out) *
Phone number *
May I text this number? *
How did you hear about me? Or who referred you? *
Seeking treatment for (self, or who?) *
Gender identity of person seeking treatment *
age of person seeking treatment (I work with 10+) *
What state is the person seeking treatment located in?  *
Tell me a little about what you are seeking help with? (We will talk in-depth on the phone) *
Are you looking to use insurance for treatment? If yes, please state which insurance you have. If you are open to paying out of pocket for treatment, please mention that as well. 
Anything else you would like to share before we hop on a call?
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out! I will be in-touch to schedule an initial assessment, shortly. 
Please take a look at the current fees:

 Talk to you soon, Libby
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