Share Your Feedback - Understanding Myotonic Dystrophy Animation Series
The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF) is excited to introduce “Understanding Myotonic Dystrophy,” a new series of short educational animations designed to help educate people living with myotonic dystrophy (DM) and their healthcare providers! 

Our first animation “Understanding Myotonic Dystrophy – The Basics” is a broad introduction to myotonic dystrophy to help increase awareness and understanding. 

Our second animation, “Understanding Myotonic Dystrophy – Inheritance of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1)”, provides an introduction to the genetic inheritance of DM1. 

Stay tuned—an engaging new video specifically on DM2 is coming soon!

We are sincerely thankful to all physicians, care providers, and DM community members for their help providing suggestions, opinions, and input regarding content and design throughout this process. 

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