GHM Small Groups
As a church we believe that small groups are a vital part of helping us grow as disciples. Places in which we can share life, read the Bible, pray for one another's needs and worship together. We are looking to begin new groups in 2024.

Please be realistic in your answers!
If you have only limited capacity to join a group at this time, we understand that and would rather know what you actually can commit to rather than what you would like to commit to.
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Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Would you like to be in a new small group?
What would you most want from a small group? Tick all that apply.
What could you offer to others in a group?
When are you available?
How regularly can you commit to attending?
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How far could you travel to a group?
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Have you been part of a church small group before? If so, what did you appreciate about it?
Do you have any questions or concerns about joining a small group?
Thank you for your answers!
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