Eras Tour Vendor Applications
Saturday, November 30th 2024 at Inn on Prince Hotel Truro NS
Start time: 10am-3pm with an hour lunch break 

We are hosting our upcoming Eras Tour Pageant for our Atlantic Canadian Swifties! Our pageants focus on building self-confidence, self-esteem, empowerment, life skills, friendships, fun, and community work.

Smile & Shine loves supporting local where we can! Which is why we had a fantastic idea to open up a limited amount of spots to showcase your business (products or services) to our attendees to potentially reach new customers/clients! 

Our participants are currently between the ages of 0-22 but ages range of all ages including parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc. who come to watch!

Table fee will be $35, once confirmed as a vendor.

There are limited spots available for this event, so please let us know down below a little about yourself/your business if you would like to be considered to join us for this special swiftie event!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Any questions can be messaged through our social media or website :) 
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Your name & Business name *
Contact email *
Phone number *
Business social media (if applicable)
How long have you been in business?  *
What are some items you sell/services you provide? *
Who is your target audience? *
Do you agree to the $35 table fee if selected as a vendor? *
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