Feedback for Camui
This is a form for providing me with anonymous feedback. I'd love to know where I can improve and what I should be leaning into more so I can make my content more enjoyable for viewers! Thank you very much for taking the time to point me in the right direction. :)
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How do you prefer to watch my content? *
What days are BEST for you to watch streams? (US hours) *
What days are WORST for you to watch streams? (US hours) *
What time of day do you prefer to watch streams? *
What time of day do you prefer to watch YouTube? *
What do you LIKE about my content? *
What do you want me to do MORE of?
What do you DISLIKE about my content? *
What should I be doing LESS of?
Would you find it to be helpful if I posted a weekly schedule on Twitter? *
Do you like when I post notifications on Twitter / Discord? *
How do you interact with my content? *
Which would you prefer? *
Any other feedback and/or suggestions?
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