Live interactive one-on-one performance @Re-connect Art festival, Prague
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Even though Chat GPT is just a relatively limited AI project with a big margin for error, it already has a vast impact on our daily lives. First Contact is a project that takes current AI advances to the next level. What if... we had constant communication with it? What will life be like in the future where AI in a human form will be part of our daily routine? Will the choice of not using its services have an impact on our social status? These are some of the questions that the Greek performer, scriptwriter, director and conceptual artist Yoryos Styl is focusing on through simulating the experience of encountering a personal AI assistant.
Yoryos Styl and Katerina Kasidiari invite you to test your personal humanoid assistant...
Name, Surname, Contact Details (e-mail, tel. ) *
Please choose, what is relevant for you..
The performance will take place one-on-one. It is necessary that the visitor speaks and reads English well. You can either choose a physical performance in Prague, which requires attendance at given time and location or a purely virtual version of the performance, which you can connect to via Zoom. Note that the capacity is limited to only 8 physical appointments and 8 stream sessions. Select your First Contact performance meeting:
I take note, that if I don´t come/connect to the chosen appointment on time the opportunity of participation in the performance will be forwarded to the next applicant.
By filling this form I give my consent to the Prague Biennale Foundation to store and work with my details for the purpose of facilitating the performance. I also proclaim my will to participate and be contacted by the event organizer in order to arrange the meeting with the artists.
I give my consent to recording of my Zoom session with the performers, understanding that these recordings will be used  exclusively for archivation and promotion purposes, and will not contain any personal information disclosed during the session. Prior to any publication, a preview of the video will be provided, and I retain the right to request the removal of my presence from the video if desired. *It is important to note that your decision regarding the video does not impact your participation in the project. *
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